Brookfield CT 06804
Dispatcher jobs
Salary DeadlinePart Time jobs
Salary DeadlineAbout the Brookfield Police Department

About the Brookfield Police Department
Brookfield is a small town located north of the City of Danbury in Fairfield County, Connecticut, and covers 20+ square miles. It is bordered on the west by Candlewood Lake and the east by Lake Lillinonah, two of Connecticut's largest and most scenic lakes. The town has a robust economy with a strong retail and commercial base and a growing resident population of more than 17,000 persons.
The Brookfield Police Department was organized on July 1, 1977, and has a current authorized strength of 36 full-time sworn officers, four special officers, and 12 full and part-time civilian personnel. The Department Command Staff consists of the Chief of Police, a Major, and a Captain. There is a Patrol Division, a Detective Division, a Youth Officer, four School Resource Officers, a SCUBA Team, Crash Investigation Team, Community Affairs Team, Tactical Operators with the Danbury Emergency Services Unit, a newly formed drone program, part-time Evidence Technicians, and a K-9 unit.
Police Officers are represented by the Brookfield Police Union, Local 1544, AFSCME Council 4, in contract negotiations for salary and benefits.