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Chief: Joseph Perno
Address: 200 Saw Mill Road
West Haven CT 06516
Phone: (203) 937-3900
Number of Officers: 121
Population Served: 55000
Specializations: Bike Patrol, Computer Forensics Laboratory, Crisis Negotiations, Defense Tactics and Weapons Training, Drone, Drug Task Force, Homicide, K-9 Unit, Motorcycle, School Resource Officer, And more...

About the West Haven Police Department




The mission of the West Haven Police Department is to provide professional, knowledgeable, and thorough law enforcement services to ensure the safety and well being of all people, with constant awareness of the diverse needs of the individuals and community. Our officers will work in partnership with its citizens to achieve a spirit of cooperation and mutual respect for the betterment of the community. We will embrace a foundation of integrity and a code of ethics to provide the highest standard of quality of life.


  • We will hold ourselves accountable to the highest standards of professionalism.
  • We will conduct ourselves with ethics that reflect the integrity of our department to nurture public trust.
  • We are committed to treating all persons and employees fairly and equitably.
  • We are committed to a friendly, empathetic and courteous service, treating each citizen with dignity and respect.
  • We encourage values that will foster greater police interaction with the community.
  • We are committed to fair and impartial enforcement.
  • We will respect and preserve the human rights granted to all people under the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Connecticut.
  • We will preserve peace through effective law enforcement, problem solving, and community policing.
  • We are committed to the improvement of our knowledge and abilities to promote professional development to best serve our community.
  • We will always value human life as our highest priority.


Whether you are coming here to live, work or play, West Haven has something for everyone. Discover the beauty of our shoreline, the culinary delights of our restaurants and the charm of our downtown.  

Just an hour northeast of New York City, West Haven is easily accessible for both travelers and commuters. Served by major highway systems, vehicle access is obtained by Interstate 95, the Merritt and Wilbur Cross parkways (Route 15) and Boston Post Road (U.S. 1).

West Haven’s Metro-North Railroad commuter station, which features a surface parking lot with 658 spaces, is within easy walking distance of downtown, while major international airports John F. Kennedy and LaGuardia in New York City and Bradley in Windsor Locks, Connecticut, are within a 1 ½-hour drive. Locally, Tweed New Haven offers regional service. Limousine services are available to all locations. The Greater New Haven Transit District provides local bus service.


The West Haven Police Department is an Equal Opportunity Employer.