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Chief: Nicholas P. Zeoli
Address: 490 Market Street
Rockland MA 02370
Phone: 781-871-3890
Number of Officers: 35
Population Served: 17500
Specializations: Bike Patrol, DARE Program, Defense Tactics and Weapons Training, Drug Task Force, K-9 Unit, Motorcycle, School Resource Officer, SWAT/Tactical

About the Rockland Police Department

Rockland Police Department

The Rockland Police Department is a non-civil service department. We are a department that is a progressive, professional agency dedicated to providing superior service to our community. The Rockland Police Department is comprised of 34 sworn full-time officers. Specialty units within the department include Detective Division, K-9 Unit, Honor Guard Unit, Field Training Officers, School Resource Officers, Mountain Bike and Motorcycle Unit. The Rockland Police Department is also a member of METRO-LEC.


Mission Statement

The Mission of the Rockland Police Department is to Protect, Serve and Educate the citizens of our community and to safeguard their property through partnerships, problem solving and policing efforts. We will realize our mission with the adherence to the core values of Integrity, Inclusiveness, Courage and Compassion.


About Us

The town of Rockland is 20 miles south of Boston and is approximately 10.07 square miles with a population of 17,489.