Logo for: PoliceApp
Chief: Gary Kille
Address: 1211 N. Delaware Street
Paulsboro NJ 08066
Phone: (856) 423-1101
Number of Officers: 25
Population Served: 6000
Specializations: Bike Patrol, DARE Program, Defense Tactics and Weapons Training, Drone, Drug Task Force, EMT Basic, Homicide, School Resource Officer, SLEO 1, SLEO 2, And more...

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About the Paulsboro Police Department




The mission of the Paulsboro Police Department is to protect life and property, enforce all laws, prevent crime, preserve public peace and share in the commitment of improving quality of life in each neighborhood. In doing so, the Paulsboro Police Department is committed to perform faithfully, truthfully, and justly to the highest standard of conduct.