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Chief: James R. Brace
Address: 116 OLD COACH ROAD
New Boston NH 03070
Phone: 603-487-2433
Number of Officers: 12
Population Served: 6021
Specializations: Bike Patrol, DARE Program, Defense Tactics and Weapons Training

About the New Boston Police Department

It is our mission to provide the citizens of New Boston resources that will encourage communication and future partnerships with our agency. If you have questions, comments, or suggestions to improve the services we provide, please contact Chief James R. Brace.


The New Boston Police Department offers 24 hour police coverage and is comprised of 10 full-time and 2 part-time sworn Officers. We are supported by a full-time Administrative Assistant and a part-time Records Clerk. We are located just 20 minutes west of Manchester within Hillsborough County and serve a community of over 6,000 residents.


Through partnership and cooperation with the citizens of New Boston, the New Boston Police Department will:
  • •Educate our citizens and create awareness of current trends  in an effort to enhance the services we can and will provide
  • •Provide quality protection in a directed, informative, and proactive manner
  • •Conduct ourselves with the highest degree of integrity while treating our citizens with respect, professionalism and compassion.
  • •Enforce all laws and ordinances in a firm, but fair, and impartial manner
  • •Participate with our residents to improve the quality of life within our community.
  • •Create a standard of excellence within the Department and our community