Island Heights Police Department
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Adjust Your Job Alert SettingsOfficer in Charge | Lt. Paul Rutledge |
Address | One East End Ave. Island Heights NJ 08732 |
Phone | (732) 270-3000 |
Website | |
Number of Officers | 9 |
Population Served | 1500 |
Seasonal Pop. Served | 2000 |
Specializations | Bike Patrol, DARE Program, Defense Tactics and Weapons Training, SLEO 2, Traffic Unit |
Welcome to the Island Heights Police Department. The 9 sworn men and women of this agency take pride in serving over 1,600 residents as well as the countless visitors who enjoy our waterfront community!
Mission Statement:
The Island Heights Police Department’s primary objective is to partner with the community to provide for a safe environment in which all Island Heights residents may live, work and raise their families. This is accomplished through a constant police presence, enforcement of the laws, investigation of crimes and the constant regulation of traffic