Glen Rock NJ 07452
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Search Nearby JobsAbout the Glen Rock Police Department

A tradition of professional, efficient, and courteous service to the community has been the hallmark of the Glen Rock Police Department since its inception in 1918.
The Glen Rock Police Department consists of twenty-three full-time police officers, four Special Officers (SLEO-1) and two part-time police administrative aids who maintain the police records and reception desk during limited hours Monday to Friday. Sworn police personnel are divided into two divisions, consisting of a patrol section and a detective bureau. The command staff presently includes the Chief of police and two Lieutenants. There are four patrol Sergeants, one Traffic Safety Sergeant, a Detective Sergeant and a Detective. Several of our officers also provide specialized services including, traffic safety, juvenile officer, domestic violence investigation, law enforcement accreditation, certified car seat technicians, computer and information technology services, records management, as well as firearms training and radar instruction, in addition to their normal patrol assignments. Several officers have been certified in “train-the-trainer” programs allowing the department to expand the use of in-house training during regular working hours.