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Type: Entry Level
Job Title: Willimantic - Entry Level Police Officer
Salary: $67,080 in academy, $73,840 Year 1,$82,860 Top Step Patrol at Year 7 , and 20-year pension
Location: Willimantic, CT
Fee: $35.00

Job Announcement:

Willimantic Police Department, CT Police Jobs

City of Willimantic, Connecticut


Willimantic Police Department, CT Police Jobs




The City of Willimantic Police is looking for energetic, motivated individuals to join our team of dedicated Officers in 2025! We offer an expansive range of opportunities for career growth and development in a fast-paced urban Police Department where every day matters to protect and serve our community. 

Position Description 

A Willimantic Police Officer performs law enforcement duties involving the protection of life and property; the prevention of crime and the apprehension of crime suspects; and performs public service duties including responding to non-criminal calls for service, and contributes to the preservation of peace and by working within the community on all levels.  Willimantic is a diverse and thriving city in eastern Connecticut where you can experience community interaction every day and have Big Experience and Local Impact as a Willimantic Police Officer.

Minimum Requirements

  • Education: High School Diploma or GED
  • Age: Must be 21 years of age at time of application
  • Citizenship: Must be a U.S. Citizen or eligible Permanent Legal Resident
  • Driver's License: Valid driver's license required
  • Written Test: Passed the LEC Written Test or CPCA Written Test  (only ONE is needed)
  • Physical Fitness Test: CHIP Card is not required as we will conduct our own Physical Fitness Cooper test.
  • Criminal Convictions: No felony convictions. No Class A or Class B misdemeanor convictions. No domestic violence convictions.
  • Military: Cannot have been dishonorably discharged from any military service
  • COVID 19 Statement: 
  • The Town of Windham/Willimantic Police Department requires all employees to be vaccinated against COVID-19. 

Selection Process

Our selection process consists of a physical fitness test, a written exam, an interview process, a controlled substance screen, a medical examination, a polygraph examination, a background investigation, and a working test/probationary period of one year (after graduation from the Police Academy).

Employment Benefits

  • * $67,080.00 after one year with additional pay steps at 1 year, 3 years, 7 years. Top step patrol officer at $82,860.00 with extensive opportunities for overtime.
  • * 20-year retirement pension plan
  • * Health Plan
  • * Paid Vacations up to 4 weeks at 10 years of service
  • * Compensatory Time Off 
  • * 12 Paid Holidays
  • * Paid Sick Leave
  • * Life Insurance Option 
  • * College Tuition Reimbursement for continuing education in Criminal Justice or Law Enforcement
  • * Promotional opportunities beginning after 4 years of service 


Diverse Career Opportunities including: Detective Division, K9 Officer, SWAT Team, Accident Reconstruction Unit, Drone Team, Bicycle Patrol and more!  

Willimantic Police Department, CT Police Jobs

Questions?  Please call Lieutenant Matthew Solak  at 860-465-3135

or contact recruitment@willimanticpolice.org 





Please direct questions regarding this position to msolak@willimanticpolice.org

About Law Enforcement Jobs

Jobs close at 11:59 PM (Eastern) on the deadline date specified, or when the position capacity has been met, or unless otherwise specified in the announcement. If the deadline date is not specified in the announcement, the agency has sole discretion on setting the deadline and jobs may close without notice. It is the applicant's responsibility to thoroughly read and understand the deadline requirements and capacity limits as outlined by the agency.

Applicants are responsible for checking their email and logging into their PoliceApp account to monitor for updates.