Job Prerequisites:
CHIP Participating:
Job Announcement:
Open Competitive Exam #2609
SALARY: $1,388.10 Per Week
Applications must be submitted online no later than 12:00 noon on:
Applicants must apply online visiting WWW.POLICEAPP.COM/WATERBURYCT
Additional information can be found on the City of Waterbury website
All correspondence and information regarding this Police Officer announcement, applications and testing process will occur through email and postings on Please be sure to check your email and the website on a regular basis to ensure receipt of crucial information.
C.H.I.P. Card is Not Required to Apply
A valid C.H.I.P Card will be required, Prior to a Conditional Offer.
Please visit the C.H.I.P website at for more information.
Must take and pass the Connecticut Police Chiefs Associate written test. (60% Passing)
- Veterans – Veteran’s points will be awarded in accordance with the Connecticut State Statute. Five (5) for non-disabled veterans, ten (10) for disabled veterans. Proper documentation must be submitted to the Personnel Director before the date of the examination.
- Residents – Five (5) Residency points shall be added in accordance with the amendment to the Civil Service Ordinances dated March 18, 2011. Proper documentation and proof of residence must be submitted no later than the closing date for applications.
FRINGE BENEFITS: Choose from available health insurance plans (employee contributions vary) Prescription Drug Rider, Dental Plan, Group Life Insurance for Individual; Retirement Plan; paid Holidays; paid Vacation; paid Sick Days; paid Personal Days.
APPLICATIONS may be completed at or by using our Computer Kiosks, available at the following Waterbury locations indicated below. Paper applications will not be accepted.
- Human Resources Department 236 Grand Street, Room 202
- City Hall 235 Grand Street, Main Entrance
In order to qualify for this exam, you must meet the following criteria as of the final closing date. • Possession of a High School Diploma or G.E.D. (Must submit a copy with Application) • Be a Citizen of the United States. • CHARACTER: Good moral character and habits. (Criminal Background Process will be done) • Must have a valid Motor Vehicle License with a good driving history • AGE: Twenty-one (21) years to be eligible for certification to position of Police Officer. • Applicants age eighteen (18) and above may apply. |
The Parts & Weight for this exam are: COMPONENT 1. Written & Oral Exam 2. Background & Polygraph** 3. Psychological ** 4. Medical ** 5. Oral Interview 6. Physical Agility*
WEIGHT 30/70 Points Pass/Fail Pass/Fail Pass/Fail Pass/Fail Pass/Fail
** After a conditional offer of employment is made. *Physical Agility to be taken within 30 days of entering Academy.
Physical agility Standards are available with this Police Officer announcement and at
Individuals appointed shall be required to serve a working probationary period which, in effect, is the final phase of the examination.
09/19/2024 cll USAR
- Applicants must complete an “Application for Examination.” Job postings and applications are available at or at the Human Resources office. Applications may be obtained and/or accepted at Incomplete or illegible applications will be rejected. No copies will be made by the Human Resources Department.
- The Human Resources Department does not formally acknowledge receipt of applications. If an applicant does not meet the minimum qualification requirements for this position, a disqualification notice will be sent. Applicants meeting the stated minimum qualifications for the position will be notified of the date, time and location of the Civil Service examination, if applicable. Postmarks will not be accepted. Applications must be received by the closing date and time.
- Requirements for claiming veterans’ credits are as follows. They are applied only to passing final scores on an Open Competitive Eligible list as the following values: non-disabled veterans – 5 points; disabled veterans – 10 points. Application of veteran’s credits shall conform to Connecticut General Statutes. Form DD214 must be submitted as proof of service; no other proof of service is acceptable. It must be submitted with the application.
- FOR ALL EXAMINATIONS five (5) points (ten (10) points for Firefighter & Maintainer I), shall be added to your final passing score if you complete the portion of the application regarding RESIDENCY and you are a domiciled resident of the City of Waterbury at the time of examination and continuously until certification into the position. The residency portion of your application must be completed by the closing date of the applications. Failure to do so may result in not receiving points.
- Applicants must be physically and medically capable of performing the essential functions of the position with or without a reasonable accommodation for which application is made. A pre-employment/post job offer medical examination will be required for certain positions. This will, for given positions, include a drug screen for usage of illegal narcotics. If a candidate refuses to submit to this examination, it shall be deemed as an incomplete medical examination, and as a voluntary withdrawal from consideration for employment with the City of Waterbury.
- It is the responsibility of the applicant to advise the Human Resources Department of any change of address or status affecting eligibility for employment. Such notification must be in writing.
- The provisions of the Civil Service Rules and Regulations of the City of Waterbury shall apply to the administration and rating of the examination, establishment of the eligible list, certification and appointment of eligibles, examination review and other procedures relating to the employment process.
- The eligible list established as a result of this announcement will normally last for two (2) years from the date such list is established by the Director of Human Resources except for entry-level Police Officer & Fire Fighter lists which will normally last for three (3) years. Any applicant refusing to accept an interview or offer of employment will be removed from the eligible list.
- The City of Waterbury is subject to the requirements of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act. The City is obligated to provide reasonable accommodations for otherwise qualified individuals with disabilities. If you wish to request an accommodation, please attach to the application a statement outlining the nature of the disability and requesting an accommodation or contact the Director of Human Resources to discuss the matter.
- No certification to a position is deemed final until a probationary period is successfully completed.
- Appeals for failure to meet minimum qualifications may be filed in the Department of Human Resources. They must be received within seven (7) days of the date on the letter notifying you of non-qualification of application. (Include the date of the letter.)
- The Human Resources Department does not accept phone inquiries regarding the status of job postings, or tests, or applicant standing on lists.
EEOP Utilization Report is available upon request.
Please direct questions regarding this position to
About Law Enforcement Jobs
Jobs close at 11:59 PM (Eastern) on the deadline date specified, or when the position capacity has been met, or unless otherwise specified in the announcement. If the deadline date is not specified in the announcement, the agency has sole discretion on setting the deadline and jobs may close without notice. It is the applicant's responsibility to thoroughly read and understand the deadline requirements and capacity limits as outlined by the agency.
Applicants are responsible for checking their email and logging into their PoliceApp account to monitor for updates.