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Chief: Gary J. Olsen
Address: 601 Union Lane
Brielle NJ 08730
Phone: 732-528-5050
Number of Officers: 19
Population Served: 5000
Seasonal Pop. Served: 7000
Specializations: Bike Patrol, DARE Program, Defense Tactics and Weapons Training, Drug Task Force, K-9 Unit, School Resource Officer, SWAT/Tactical, Traffic Unit, Water Patrol, Water Rescue And more...

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About the Brielle Police Department


Brielle Police Department


The Brielle Police Department currently has 19 full-time sworn officers and 7 civilian employees. Since January 2019, the Chief of Police is Gary J. Olsen. The Department is organized into three divisions; Operations, Professional Standards, and Administrative. The Brielle Police Department works every day to be an asset to the Brielle community and strives to live up to our core values: “Integrity, Respect, Service, Fairness.”



Will commit its resources in partnership with the community to: Promote a safe and secure environment, free from crime and fear of crime, Maintain order and provide for a safe and expeditious flow of traffic, Practice our core values of INTEGRITY, RESPECT, SERVICE and FAIRNESS.


About Our Community

On behalf of the men and women of the Brielle Police Department, welcome to the Borough of Brielle.

Brielle is a unique municipality located in the southeastern corner of Monmouth County. Brielle is bordered to the north and east by the Borough of Manasquan, to the west by Brick Township (in Ocean County) and Wall Township, and to the south by Point Pleasant and Point Pleasant Beach across the Manasquan River. Route 35 runs through the middle of the town and Route 70 runs along its western edge and Route 71 along its northern edge.

Brielle is located along the Manasquan River shoreline boasting 4 miles of riverfront that is home to hundreds of boats. We are home to the nationally renowned 140-acre, 18-hole, Manasquan River Golf Club. We are a sports and recreation-rich community that takes a great deal of pride in our youth.

Brielle continues to be one of the commercial and charter fishing “hubs” of the Jersey Shore. Brielle is proud of our diversity and the traditional American spirit displayed by our nearly 5,000 residents.

The Borough’s total population has remained relatively unchanged for more than forty years. However, during this time, our police department has grown to meet the challenges of the ever-changing world and the expectations of our community and law enforcement.
The Brielle Police Department works closely with the Brielle Elementary School and our community to ensure the highest quality of life possible for our residents and visitors.