
Police Chiefs Association Police Officer Exam Prerequisites: FAQs

Is a CHIP card required before I can take the CPCA exam?

No. Individual depts may require the CHIP, but it is not a pre-requsite for the CPCA Police Officer Exam.

Do I need a high school diploma or GED to take the CPCA exam?

A high school diploma is not required to take the CPCA exam, but must be obtained before you can be hired by any police department in Connecticut.

How old do I need to be to take the CPCA exam?

There is no minimum age to take the CPCA exam. However, you must be at least 21 years of age before you can be hired by any police department in Connecticut.

Do I need to be a U.S. citizen to take the CPCA exam?

U.S. citizenship is not required to take the CPCA exam, but must be obtained before you can be hired by any police department in Connecticut.

Do I need a valid driver's license to take the CPCA exam?

A valid driver's license is not required to take the CPCA exam, but must be obtained before you can be hired by any police department in Connecticut.

Can I take the CPCA exam if I have a criminal record?

Yes, you can still take the CPCA exam if you have a criminal record. However, a felony or Class A or B misdemeanor conviction will automatically disqualify you from becoming a police officer in Connecticut.